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Sep 27, 2019

Do you find that it's hard to get back on track after vacation with your weight loss boundaries? Even if you followed your boundaries while you're gone, it's often hard to follow them when you get home.

Not only are we tired and in catch-up land with all the work that piled up, but we also often find ourselves feeling sad when we get back. We miss vacation--or if things went badly on vacation, we're sad about what happened. 

Thankfully, God can help us recover from the post-vacation blues and help us to follow our boundaries. On this podcast, we'll talk about 7 things we can do to get back on track after vacation. 


7 Ways to Get Back On Track After Vacation

  1. Give yourself grace.
  2. Process the vacation, if necessary. 
  3. Get a biblical perspective.
  4. Make a plan to slowly get caught up.
  5. Re-establish your eating and exercise boundaries ASAP.
  6. Make a "fun" plan.
  7. Spend extra time renewing the first few days back.

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