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Nov 27, 2019

It's that time of year again. When we throw caution to the wind and break our weight loss boundaries left and right eating Christmas cookies and other goodies!

On today's episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, I do a coaching call with Judy and Amy about how to follow weight loss boundaries during the holidays. 

Amy and Judy have been working through the Taste for Truth Bible study, and they have both been losing weight. Amy has lost 10 pounds so far and Judy has lost 22 pounds!

I hope today's podcast will help you as we head into this holiday season.

Here are a few of the lies we'll be covering that make us eat too much:

Lies That Make Us Eat Too Much Over the Holidays

  1. I don't like being left out (during holiday parties so I need to eat like everyone else).
  2. If everyone is snitching cookies, I want to have my fair share.
  3. I need to eat this when no one is looking.
  4. It's the holidays. I'm going to indulge a little bit.
  5. It only happens once a year (so I need to live it up!).
  6. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
  7. That's so good, I should have another.
  8. I'll just have one more.

We'll get to these lies at about the 8 or 10-minute mark. At the beginning of the podcast, we'll be talking about making Christmas cookies and how to do that without eating too much.

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